Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Chastity Cage Stopped My Erections...Not!

One of the supposed side-effects of being locked up is that the device will stop you from having erections!  Really?  Let's unpack this...

I will concede that this could happen if:

  1. You are a shower and your cage is to size.
  2. Your erections aren't all that strong to begin with.
  3. You cage has spikes that makes it so painful it makes the erection go away. 
Technically in all cases above the erection is either hidden or just made to go away.  It hasn't been made to stop from happening in the first place but let's not split hairs about that right now.

If your mileage varies when compared to what I'm going to describe below it would be great if you could back it up with photo's or even video.

Erections happen because blood is sent into your penis which makes it hard and gives us that nice phallic throbbing look.  As the size increases the foreskin is pulled back, exposing the head.  The pressure inside pulls the skin tight and gives your head a beautiful shiny look.

If you are a grower it means that there will be quite a difference in size between soft and hard.  This will pull the cage forward leaving a lot of space for that blood to move into.  If you have low hanging balls there will be even more distance to cover before the ring catches on your balls.  Add a foreskin to this which makes it so easy for the hard inner core to slide and you end up with something like this:

or this
or this

Not that this is in any way wrong or unpleasant.  It's actually quite a lot of fun fighting against your cage!  I'm just questioning the dubious claim that a chastity device will stop an erection from happening in the first place.

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